List Books In Pursuance Of سيكولوجية الجماهير
Original Title: | La Psychologie des Foules ISBN13 9781855168152 |
Edition Language: | Arabic |
Gustave Le Bon
Paperback | Pages: 200 pages Rating: 3.86 | 9942 Users | 1380 Reviews
Describe About Books سيكولوجية الجماهير
Title | : | سيكولوجية الجماهير |
Author | : | Gustave Le Bon |
Book Format | : | Paperback |
Book Edition | : | الثالثة |
Pages | : | Pages: 200 pages |
Published | : | 2011 by دار الساقي (first published 1895) |
Categories | : | Psychology. Nonfiction. Sociology. Politics. Philosophy |
Commentary Toward Books سيكولوجية الجماهير
يرى المؤلف أن الجماهير لا تعقل، فهي ترفض الأفكار أو تقبلها كلا واحداً، من دون أن تتحمل مناقشتها. ومايقوله لها الزعماء يغزو عقولها سريعاً فتتجه إلى أن تحوله حركة وعملاً، ومايوحي به إليها ترفعه إلى مصاف المثال ثم تندفع به، في صورة إرادية، إلى التضحية بالنفس. إنها لا تعرف غير العنف الحادّ شعوراً، فتعاطفها لا يلبث أن يصير عبادة، ولا تكاد تنفر من أمر ما حتى تسارع إلى كرهه. وفي الحالة الجماهيرية تنخفض الطاقة على التفكير، ويذوب المغاير في المتجانس، بينما تطغى الخصائص التي تصدر عن اللاوعي. وحتى لو كانت الجماهير علمانية، تبقى لديها ردود فعل دينية، تفضي بها إلى عبادة الزعيم، وإلى الخوف من بأسه، وإلى الإذعان الأعمى لمشيئته، فيصبح كلامه دوغما لا تناقش، وتنشأ الرغبة إلى تعميم هذه الدوغما. أما الذين لا يشاطرون الجماهير إعجابها بكلام الزعيم فيبحون هم الأعداء، لا جماهير من دون قائد كما لا قائد من دون جماهير. كتب لوبون قبل قرن من الزمن. للتحميل: About Books سيكولوجية الجماهير
Ratings: 3.86 From 9942 Users | 1380 ReviewsWrite-Up About Books سيكولوجية الجماهير
Gustave Le Bons 1895 work, The Crowd, portrayed the massed public as pathologically irrational, its members incapable of thinking or acting as individuals: by the mere fact that he forms part of an organised crowd, a man descends several rungs in the ladder of civilisation (12). While acknowledging that crowds are sometimes virtuous and heroic, Le Bon emphasized their destructive capacity and their threat to the hierarchies of established order. The Crowd was used as a guide by Hitler andAlthough it was written 1895, it applies also to our time! It was first published with the title of 'la psychologie des foules' I think this title fits better! People in crowds act like 'foules'. We are influenced by media, opinions, society, rules, etc! To be open and independent and to escape from the standards of society is not an easy task! The examples that refers the author are referred to France history!
Translator not named; with an introduction by Robert A. Nye (my thesis advisor).There are two ways to approach this polemical rant. The first is as an historical product: it's a conservative response to the vagaries of the masses, which in LeBon's day were leading to the dangers of socialism, indifference, and decadence. The primitive crowd mentality was destroying civilization, as LeBon saw it, and this work is meant to address why, and offers insights on how the statesman can control crowds
I don't like this book for a very simple reason: Out-of-date. The examples the author gave largely from Révolution française, which is no longer a great example for his theory.Also, with the outbreak (should I use this word) of advanced technologies, exchanging information, concepts and even trends is everyday occurrence for people around the world. Thus, the psychology of crowds should be investigated with technology-involved interruptions. I do not recommend this book for non-majored readers.
A late-nineteenth-century study (commentary) on the nature of crowds, that appears to be regarded as a classic in sociology. Even today, it remains a good read. However, modern readers will likely be shocked by the author's then-popular prejudices against women and "primatives." The lack of documentation according to modern standards will also disturb some. Finally, the tone of the book is that of an educated elite looking down upon his subjects of study and feeling separate and somewhat
The Crowd is essential for crowd theory, but as McClelland notes, Le Bon sometimes plays it fast and loose with his theory (as well as his sources, in order to make him seem like the foundation of a new theory -- kind of a habit of his as he even claimed that Einstein had gotten the theory of relativity from him). The main point is that (a) crowds regress (and people's foundational ideas are racial/conservative), (b) crowds always need to be led, and (c) the most powerful leaders are as
ENGLISHForever highly dangerous instructions for the instrumentalization and manipulation of humans As current as the problem is, so narrow-minded appear some of the author's remarks, which allows his subjective opinion to flow slowly into various passages, which is an unforgivable mistake for serious non-fiction. The mediated concept of history should be treated with caution since aspects such as the dynamics of the rise and fall of high cultures are indeed correctly explained. However, other
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