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Books Free The Good, the Bad, and the Undead (The Hollows #2) Download

Describe Books Concering The Good, the Bad, and the Undead (The Hollows #2)

Original Title: The Good, the Bad, and the Undead
ISBN: 0060572973 (ISBN13: 9780060572976)
Edition Language: English
Series: The Hollows #2
Characters: Rachel Morgan, Ivy Tamwood, Jenks, Trent Kalamack, Algaliarept, Kisten Felps, Nick Sparagmos, Piscary, Detective Glenn, Jonathan, Quen, Captain Edden
Setting: Cincinnati, Ohio(United States) Ohio(United States)
Books Free The Good, the Bad, and the Undead (The Hollows #2) Download
The Good, the Bad, and the Undead (The Hollows #2) Mass Market Paperback | Pages: 453 pages
Rating: 4.26 | 58992 Users | 1894 Reviews

Define Appertaining To Books The Good, the Bad, and the Undead (The Hollows #2)

Title:The Good, the Bad, and the Undead (The Hollows #2)
Author:Kim Harrison
Book Format:Mass Market Paperback
Book Edition:1st Edition
Pages:Pages: 453 pages
Published:January 25th 2005 by HarperTorch
Categories:Fantasy. Urban Fantasy. Paranormal. Vampires. Witches. Magic

Description Supposing Books The Good, the Bad, and the Undead (The Hollows #2)

Actual rating: 3.5 stars. Well well well, would you look at that?! It seems the Freaking MacHalo TBR Cleaning Challenge of Doom and Destruction (FMTCCoDaD™) isn't ALL about reading crap, after all! Who would have thought?! Not only did I NOT feel like killing this book with fire, but I actually enjoyed reading it *gasps* Despite its Disaster Waiting to Happen Ingredients (DWtHI™)! Wow. Imagine that! Flabbergastation is me (view spoiler)[ yes, flabbergastation is a word. Just in case you were wondering. You're welcome. (hide spoiler)] I mean, I'm so used to reading UF rubbish these days, any Non-Crappy UF Object (NCUO™) I manage to get my hands on comes as a shock. Hence the dramatic fainting and stuff. What? You want me to cut the crap and get right down do the DWtHI™? Why? You don't think what I've been saying so far is absolutely, totally and completely fascinating? Okay, you know what, don't answer that one, I have a feeling I won't like what you have to say. But anyway. So you want do get down and dirty with no foreplay, huh? Sigh. You bunch of silly arthropods don't know what you are missing, but hey, it's your lives, so suit your little selves. Express Crap Cutting (ECC™), here we go. So. Had I been my normal, healthy, balanced, sensible self when I read this story, I probably would have either rated it 2 stars or DNFed the shrimp out of it. Oh yes. Why? What do you mean "why?" Because of the DWtHI™, of course! Please do try to follow, my Little Barnacles, it would make my life a whole lot easier. Especially on days like this one, when you expect me to cut the freaking crap. So please shut the shrimp up, and let me try and to do this as quickly and painlessly as possible. There are two major DWtHI™ in this book : ① Rachel Morgan is quite the aspiring TSTL heroine sometimes. ② Rachel Morgan has the most boring boyfriend in the history of boring boyfriends. That's it? Yep, that's it. What? You think these two little things alone are not reason enough to DNF the shrimp out of a book? Don't you know me at all? I've DNFed books with less than one freaking DWtHI™ in the past, so believe me, my Lovely Arthropods, nothing is impossible in Kill it with Fire Land (KiwFL™). So YES, our dear Rachel has TSTL tendencies, but I like her anyway. And yes, she has a Supremely Uninteresting, Slightly Annoying Boyfriend (SUSAB™), but I'm fairly confident he will be appropriately disposed of in the next instalment, so all is well in the world. Or will be. Hopefully. Because if she Rachel doesn't ditch the guy soon, I shall gladly take care of it for her. Which loosely translates to mean: I'll chop him into tiny little pieces and feed him to the murderous crustaceans for the end of summer banquet. Ooooooh, I think my babies would definitely like that. Yum yum yum and stuff. Anyway, the answer to the question you didn't ask is yes, by the way. YES, I will continue with this series. Because it's pretty cool and fun and entertaining, despite the DWtHI™. Because the story arc is pretty intriguing and stuff. And because Yummy Trent Kamalack is Yummy (YTKiY™). And because Jenks is the hottest pixy ever. And I usually hate these suckers. Because pixies make me think of fairies and Fairies are Silly Sissies (FaSS™). But Jenks is Jenks. So fatal attraction and all that crap. Oh, and one more reason why YES, I shall continue with this series: because demons are yummy. But you already knew that. And even if you didn't, just pretend you did. Good Little Barnacles. Daddy is so proud of you right now. » And the moral of this Express Crap Cutting Non Review (ECCNR™) is: contrary to popular belief, I can be reasonable sometimes, and choose to overlook stuff I choose to overlook. Because if I didn't choose to overlook stuff I choose to overlook, I'd probably end up DNFing 99.99% of the books I DNF try to read. Ha. · Book 1: Dead Witch Walking ★★ · Book 3: Every Which Way But Dead ★★

Rating Appertaining To Books The Good, the Bad, and the Undead (The Hollows #2)
Ratings: 4.26 From 58992 Users | 1894 Reviews

Judgment Appertaining To Books The Good, the Bad, and the Undead (The Hollows #2)
Dead Witch Walking: ★★★★SECOND READ: ★★★★★FIRST READ: ★★★ Buddy read with the MacHalos.Wow! I'm so excited to be re-reading this. I liked it much better the second time around. This one is mainly about the vampires and Rachel discovering ley line magic.Al is the absolute best. I remembered the plot, but it was still very fresh to me. I actually have a lot more sympathy for Ivy this time around and am liking her much more.You know, Rachel IS annoying, but it works for me. She's so stupid

2/7/18 - ON SALE for $3.99: http://amzn.to/2E6K3VDReviewed by: Rabid ReadsIf I still had any doubts about The Hollows when I finished the Dead Witch Walking, The Good, the Bad, and the Undead laid them to rest.Book 2 begins with Rachel and Jenks in the middle of a run. Several months has passed since the first book ended, and without a death threat hanging over her head, Rachel is free to pursue her new career as an independent runner. Nick is now officially Rachel's boyfriend, and the roommate

Heroines recklessness and mistakes get her into trouble which is too close to stupidity for me.If you like to lose yourself in an urban fantasy world, this is a good one. But I want stories where character and plot are the main draws. Here not much happens to support the plot. The setting has a wide variety of paranormals: witches, vampires, pixies, elves, werewolves, and demons. I like the way they live, work, and interact with each other and humans in current day.My biggest problem is that I

I got so bogged down by the world building of the first book I put the series on hiatus. This time I switched to the audio format and it turned out to be a brilliant move as the narrator, Marguerite Gavin, gives an inspired performance. There are many lingering questions from Dead Witch Walking that are resolved in this story (what is Trent, who unleashed the demon on Rachel, who is Ivy really, etc.). And, some I had that are still outstanding but we get more info on, enough to whet the

I read the first few books in this series years ago but it was only when I started my reread recently that I remembered how much I enjoyed this world. Rachel isn't perfect but she's a great character because she's so flawed. She makes stupid mistakes and she's far too trusting but she's learning and I'm hoping she won't keep repeating the same errors over and over again. I'm enjoying seeing her learn more about the magic she is capable of, she came across as a fairly mediocre witch in the

This book was fantastic i really didn't want it to end.All the characters are so fantastic and multi dimensional, the plot line is brilliant and i love the speed of the progression.The story starts off with Rachel who while trying to start up her, Ivy and Jenks's new buisness is falling on hard times, trying to meet ends meet with rent while being stitched up by her last job.She teams up as a underland consultant with the FIB to investigate the murdered Leyline witches, all while delving deeper

I much preferred this one to the first, Im very much looking forward to the sequel.


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