Thursday, July 2, 2020

Free Books Apocalypse Online

Itemize Books Supposing Apocalypse

Original Title: Apocalypse
ISBN: 0192719262 (ISBN13: 9780192719263)
Edition Language: English
Free Books Apocalypse  Online
Apocalypse Hardcover | Pages: 352 pages
Rating: 3.57 | 347 Users | 28 Reviews

Identify Based On Books Apocalypse

Author:Tim Bowler
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 352 pages
Published:October 7th 2004 by Oxford (first published 2004)
Categories:Young Adult. Fiction. Fantasy

Ilustration To Books Apocalypse

I read this book because I had heard alot about the author and wanted to see if I liked his style of writing. This book fits on my bingo board as a "fantasy book" This book was okay, I liked how the beginning was very hooking and mysterious and it had a good ending. I disliked the middle of the book because it was boring and the whole book anti-climaxed and went just went further and further down. The book is about a boy named Kit who gets wrecked on an island with his parents. He sees a mysterious man and is told to leave by the angry locals who are isolated from the rest of the "evil" world that are not from the same religion as them. Kit goes for a look around the island in the night time, and when he gets back his parents are gone. He spends the rest of the book looking for his parents with a girl who is an outlaw and conflicting with the natives of the island. The islanders speak of an apocalypse that will condemn the earth to hell, and when Kit is eventually rescued he finds out that the apocalypse is taking place. The book ends with him finding out that he was in the past, he sacrifices an item the outlaw gave to him, his last memory of her and the island and it is suggested that the apocalpyse may not happen.I would recommend this book for people who like mysterious and original fantasy novels.

Rating Based On Books Apocalypse
Ratings: 3.57 From 347 Users | 28 Reviews

Column Based On Books Apocalypse
I'm hard pressed to think of many other novels that I've read in my life which I enjoyed more than this one. I read a total of 50 novels in 2011 giving a score out of 100 for each one according to how much I enjoyed it. The highest score went to a novel called "The Map of Time" by Felix J.Palma to which I gave a score of 89. But I would give Apocalypse a score of 95. I would also say that it is better than the other books that Tim Bowler has written and which I've read -- even Starseeker and

La verdad no sé que esperaba del libro pero definitivamente no es remotamente parecido a lo que imaginé que sería.Esperaba un libro de aventuras y misterios, y aunque en cierto modo lo sea, es mucho más que sólo eso. Había visto muchas reseñas de los lectores, alegando lo terrorífico que era o que el final resultaba confuso. Siendo honesta, no me ha dado la sensación de tener miedo durante todo el libro; de incertidumbre sí, pero nunca miedo. Y en cuanto al final, la verdad ahora mismo no puedo

Un buen libro, lento al principio y fue agarrando su trama un poco pasada la mitad. Resulto ser un poco Aura de Carlos Fuentes en los dos últimos capítulos. Me gusto el final al recordar a Ula y sus palabras de Ama todo lo que puedas. No me resolvió la duda del hombre desnudo y cada vez que aparecía me daba un poco de miedo. Si lo recomiendo.

Hummmm. This book had many moments in it that really grabbed me, and I found myself completely absorbed. Unfortunately, for me, they were just that...moments. While I was reading, and waiting for those times, I was bored or confused. Kind of like fishing for me...throw out the line, start getting bored waiting...then confusion on why your wasting your time waiting and about ready to pack it in when, BAM ya get a bite.

wow! this imaginative, insightful, mysterious, instrinsic novel cannot be praised highly enough. with lovely descriptions, believable characters and impresively complicated twist at the end, this is not for light reading! one of my favourite reads in a while.

Tim Bowler always manages to create a story that you have no idea what to think about, that even after you've finished the last page you're like "...what?" yet the words will still carry you on right through to the end. Even if you don't completely understand the mysterious events that happen... use your imagination! Or wikipedia.

Great opening! I love survival stories, esp. at sea.


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