Friday, July 10, 2020

Free Books Egenmäktigt förfarande (Ester Nilsson #1) Online

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Original Title: Egenmäktigt förfarande: en roman om kärlek
ISBN: 912713699X (ISBN13: 9789127136991)
Edition Language: Swedish
Series: Ester Nilsson #1
Characters: Hugo Rask, Ester Nilsson
Literary Awards: Augustpriset for Fiction (2013), Svenska Dagbladets litteraturpris (2013)
Free Books Egenmäktigt förfarande (Ester Nilsson #1) Online
Egenmäktigt förfarande (Ester Nilsson #1) Hardcover | Pages: 205 pages
Rating: 3.69 | 7941 Users | 803 Reviews

Explanation As Books Egenmäktigt förfarande (Ester Nilsson #1)

Ester Nilsson är 31. Hon är poet och essäist och en förnuftig människa i en förnuftig relation. En dag i juni får hon ett samtal med en förfrågan om att hålla ett föredrag om konstnären Hugo Rask. I publiken sitter konstnären själv, hänförd, och de två möts för första gången efter föreläsningen. Från och med nu ska återstoden av hennes tillvaro hänga samman med detta till sin avsikt helt oskyldiga samtal. Knappast något som senare sker skulle ha haft samma inverkan utan den händelsekedja som nu sätts igång. Ett slags kärlekshistoria inleds mellan Ester Nilsson och Hugo Rask, banal i sin enkelhet, storslagen i sin fullständiga hängivenhet. Egenmäktigt förfarande är en berättelse om hur villiga vi är att bedra oss själva i vår önskan att bli älskade.

Declare Out Of Books Egenmäktigt förfarande (Ester Nilsson #1)

Title:Egenmäktigt förfarande (Ester Nilsson #1)
Author:Lena Andersson
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 205 pages
Published:August 20th 2013 by Natur & Kultur (first published 2013)
Categories:Fiction. European Literature. Swedish Literature. Contemporary. Romance. Novels

Rating Out Of Books Egenmäktigt förfarande (Ester Nilsson #1)
Ratings: 3.69 From 7941 Users | 803 Reviews

Evaluate Out Of Books Egenmäktigt förfarande (Ester Nilsson #1)
This has won a prestigious award in Sweden. And just like that, I know that I can never trust those awards. Ever. Again. The only reason I made it past the 5% mark was that I wanted to write an angry review, and I can't do that with less than 5% read. So I read on, and by 50% I was both less angry and actually getting used to the incredibly annoying, pretentious and outdated language. (And then I finished it.) When I start to count the amounts of "ty" (old-fashioned "because") in a modern book,

Willful Disregard is subtitled, a novel about love. Well, that depends on the readers definition of love. The true definition of what Willful Disregard is about can be found on the second page: The dreadful gulf between thought and words, will and expression, reality and unreality, and the things that flourish in that gulf, are what this story is about.Not since Scott Spencers Endless Love has such a laser-sharp view into the nature of obsession been written. Our protagonist, 30-something

I really need to stop reading these Nordic prize-winners. I feel as if I'm sifting through tonnes of sand with a pan for gold. I wasn't entertained by this book; it just left me feeling mildly inconvenienced. Sure, the tagline says it's a novel about love (I wonder why they put it there, were people not getting the purpose of the story under all its waffling?), but it's mostly a story about conversations between people that read all the supplements and articles in broadsheets and god, they want

Woman falls in love with a man. Finally meets him. (Yes, in that order.) He loves being worshipped by her. One-sided infatuation makes for some awkward sexy times. And that's when the train wreck begins. (Because everything prior to this was totally normal, amiright?) The novel depicts her thoughts and emotions as she willingly lies to herself in an attempt to continue the affair. She overthinks everything. Loses ability to think rationally. Abandons all pride. Sits around waiting and obsessing.

I was not sure whether I would give this book a five or a four. In the end I decided to go for a four and maybe a five will come in the future if I re-read it. Currently I think that the last sentence tried to end something that didn't need to be ended or explicitly written. You understood what would happen anyway and after reading the last sentence I felt disappointed that Lena ended this almost perfect book in this way... I consider tho book to be a modern version of "The Serious Game" by

Ester Nilsson is in a long-term relationship with Per. It appears to be comfortable but not very passionate. Ester gets a call from a magazine called 'The Cave' and is asked to write an article about the enigmatic artist, Hugo Rask. It is not long before she becomes passionately, inextricably in love with him, obsessing over their relationship to the point where her personal life lacks meaning without him. She leaves Per on the basis of her feelings for Hugo and only hope to have them

Full review at:'s what happens in Lena Andersson's Willful Disregard: Ester, a young Swedish writer, is asked to write an article about Hugo, a famous artist. She meets him and within one week she is completely obsessed with him. Despite their age difference, they develop a close friendship which consists of long dinners spent debating philosophy and ideas. Ester's obsession with Hugo persists as the weeks go by, and eventually, their relationship


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