Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Free Books Online The Sandman: King of Dreams

Free Books Online The Sandman: King of Dreams
The Sandman: King of Dreams Hardcover | Pages: 180 pages
Rating: 4.62 | 13917 Users | 36 Reviews

Details Books Toward The Sandman: King of Dreams

Original Title: The Sandman: King of Dreams
ISBN: 0811835928 (ISBN13: 9780811835923)
Edition Language: English

Commentary In Favor Of Books The Sandman: King of Dreams

The first and only comic book to receive the World Fantasy Award, The Sandman continues to break new ground in the comic book medium and beyond. Author Alisa Kwitney explores its beginnings and chronicles the comic's emergence as a unique and undeniable force in the literary world. Richly illustrated, this history shows how Gaiman and The Sandman's gifted artists, such as Dave McKean and Yoshitaka Amano, create a haunting (and haunted) main character who wields immense power. With illustrations never before published, behind-the-scenes stories, handwritten notes, and interviews with Gaiman himself, this volume is a true testament to the dream king and his creator.

Particularize About Books The Sandman: King of Dreams

Title:The Sandman: King of Dreams
Author:Alisa Kwitney
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 180 pages
Published:September 1st 2003 by Chronicle Books
Categories:Sequential Art. Graphic Novels. Comics. Fantasy. Fiction. Graphic Novels Comics. Horror. Art

Rating About Books The Sandman: King of Dreams
Ratings: 4.62 From 13917 Users | 36 Reviews

Article About Books The Sandman: King of Dreams
From the fall of 1987 to the beginning of 1996, Neil Gaiman worked mostly on the Sandman series of comics, . . . which became trade book collections, and merchandise, and fannish websites, and spin-off books by other writers. Morpheus gave it all up in the end, but the readers havent. One of the best spin-offs is this overview, or commentary, or summation, of the series, from the first issue to the last, by one of the assistant editors with whom Gaiman worked. Shes gone on to other things, too,

Awesome art, interesting tidbits of info, and a revealing & really clever intro from Gaiman, himself - definitely worth a look, especially for those new to "The Sandman"!

Its a nice book, but if I wanted a picture book of sandman I'd just go to my bookshelf and the damn thing. That said its nicely done, and the text is ok for moving things along. No beef with anything, just "ok", nice easy reading. If you're really interested in the series, I'd strongly recommend the book by Hy Bender which is half synopsis/commentary and half interviews with Neil Gaiman.

I enjoyed seeing the art work included here, which was not a part of the graphic novels. I am very intrigued by the story cycle in the Sandman graphic novels, so it was nice to read about some of the back story.

This basically a "highlights & overview" of a great comic series I was somewhat familiar with. I suppose it did it's job in that I would like to read the complete,entire,& whole series.

No matter how many non-fiction books I read about the Sandman series, I always find something new in their pages. In this book the best bits are in the pictures, specifically the rather large collection of Sandman-inspired art from elsewhere than the series. Many of the pictures are by artists who worked on the Sandman comics, but since ther eis very little standalone art in the books (and the normal resting place for standalone art - the covers - are all done by Dave McKean) this book gives

Basically this is just a best of...meaning that it highlights cover art and scenes. It also summarizes all of this material by volume.


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