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Books Free Download The Drama of the Gifted Child: The Search for the True Self Online

Books Free Download The Drama of the Gifted Child: The Search for the True Self  Online
The Drama of the Gifted Child: The Search for the True Self Paperback | Pages: 144 pages
Rating: 4.09 | 15495 Users | 918 Reviews

Itemize Epithetical Books The Drama of the Gifted Child: The Search for the True Self

Title:The Drama of the Gifted Child: The Search for the True Self
Author:Alice Miller
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 144 pages
Published:July 22nd 2008 by Basic Books (first published 1979)
Categories:Psychology. Nonfiction. Self Help. Parenting. Health. Mental Health. Education. Psychoanalysis

Ilustration In Pursuance Of Books The Drama of the Gifted Child: The Search for the True Self

The bestselling book on childhood trauma and the enduring effects of repressed anger and pain

Why are many of the most successful people plagued by feelings of emptiness and alienation? This wise and profound book has provided millions of readers with an answer--and has helped them to apply it to their own lives.

Far too many of us had to learn as children to hide our own feelings, needs, and memories skillfully in order to meet our parents' expectations and win their "love." Alice Miller writes, "When I used the word 'gifted' in the title, I had in mind neither children who receive high grades in school nor children talented in a special way. I simply meant all of us who have survived an abusive childhood thanks to an ability to adapt even to unspeakable cruelty by becoming numb.... Without this 'gift' offered us by nature, we would not have survived." But merely surviving is not enough. The Drama of the Gifted Child helps us to reclaim our life by discovering our own crucial needs and our own truth.

Be Specific About Books During The Drama of the Gifted Child: The Search for the True Self

Original Title: Das Drama des begabten Kindes und die Suche nach dem wahren Selbst: eine Um- und Fortschreibung
ISBN: 0465016901 (ISBN13: 9780465016907)
Edition Language: English URL
Characters: Hermann Hesse, Ingmar Bergman, Marie Hesse

Rating Epithetical Books The Drama of the Gifted Child: The Search for the True Self
Ratings: 4.09 From 15495 Users | 918 Reviews

Assess Epithetical Books The Drama of the Gifted Child: The Search for the True Self
I thought this was an amazingly insightful book on the root causes of many disorders, including "group madness" such as fascism, nationalism. The author's thesis is that child abuse is carried forward generation after generation, if only unconsciously, and that child rearing that does not respect the child's needs and feelings, will add to this cycle. The child in order to earn the parent's love, will suppress its rage at not being respected, as well as any other feelings or impulses deemed

- If a mother respects both herself and her child from his very first day onward, she will never need to teach him respect for others. He will, of course, take both himself and others seriouslyhe couldn't do otherwise. But a mother who, as a child, was herself not taken seriously by her mother asthe person she really was will crave this respect from her child as a substitute; and she will try to get it by training him to give it to her.-The parents have found in their child's "false self the

I read this in my mid-30s and at the time, I found this to be the most helpful book I had ever read. Narcissism is fully explained - though many may think that is just another word for self-centeredness - in its many complexities. The title is misleading and apparently renamed for marketing purposes. The child who is victimized by the Narcissist is gifted because they deal with such heavy challenges and become over-sensitive to others' needs, always eager to please, while suppressing their own

Miller presents a solid theory with some difficult truths, but at time the narrowness of her idea turns into a sort of tunnel vision with sweeping generalizations that are far too much. She gets carried away with herself and disregards other influences, other options. I always bristle at any theory that attempts to explain everything with a single reason or cause, especially in the complicated matters of psychology or human emotion. Regardless, the clarity of her presentation makes this an easy

At slightly over a hundred pages, this slim volume addresses the effects of narcissistic parenting and is one of the more highly-regarded works on the subject within the treatment community.Alice Miller, a Swiss psychologist with twenty years in clinical practice, had come to reject traditional forms of analysis and broke from the theories of Jung and Freud - concluding the standard approach to such emotional injuries left too much power in the parent's court. The primary caretakers (most

This is the best book I have ever read. Do not be fooled by the title--the original title of the book was "Prisoners of Childhood," and I believe the publisher talked the author into changing the title so that proud parents would want to buy the book. As a marketing ploy, it worked. But it's really not about "gifted children" in the contemporary sense, which is often about ratings and education. It is about the most important issue of our time: raising children.

First things first, misleading title. "Prisonners of Childhood" is more accurate.This book is an eye opener! I've read some of it a few years back and just now have gotten to reading it fully. The gist of it is that parents' expectations of their children can be projected in such a way on them, that it robs them from their "true feelings" and "true self", trying to become the "perfect" child that will meet their parents approval and gain their love.A lot of times, the children ignore/shut


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