Thursday, July 30, 2020

Download S@motność w Sieci (S@motność w Sieci #1) Books Online Free

Details Books Conducive To S@motność w Sieci (S@motność w Sieci #1)

Original Title: S@motność w Sieci
ISBN: 8372559252 (ISBN13: 9788372559258)
Edition Language: Polish
Series: S@motność w Sieci #1
Setting: Poland
Download S@motność w Sieci (S@motność w Sieci #1) Books Online Free
S@motność w Sieci (S@motność w Sieci #1) Paperback | Pages: 317 pages
Rating: 3.61 | 4725 Users | 176 Reviews

Particularize About Books S@motność w Sieci (S@motność w Sieci #1)

Title:S@motność w Sieci (S@motność w Sieci #1)
Author:Janusz Leon Wiśniewski
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 317 pages
Published:2002 by Czarne / Prószyński i S-ka (first published 2001)
Categories:Fiction. Romance. European Literature. Polish Literature. Contemporary. Novels

Representaion Concering Books S@motność w Sieci (S@motność w Sieci #1)

S@motność w Sieci" - powieść tak współczesna, że bardziej nie można: z Internetem, pagerem, elektronicznymi biletami lotniczymi, dekodowaniem genomu i SMS-ami. A przy tym tak tradycyjna jak klasyczna historia miłosna. Powieść o miłości w Internecie. Tej ostatecznej, tej, o której się marzy, takiej, aby "się popłakać i aby dech zaparło". Wiśniewski analitycznie i urzekająco zarazem relacjonuje tę miłość, wprowadzając na przemian nastrój nieomal uroczystej czułości, aby kilka linijek dalej zadziwić odważnym erotyzmem. "S@motność w Sieci" to także hołd składany mądrości i wiedzy. Splecione kunsztownie z wątkiem miłosnym fascynujące historie o molekułach emocji, o tym, kto tak naprawdę odkrył DNA, i o tym, co po śmierci stało się z mózgiem Einsteina. Przeczytawszy "S@motność w Sieci", wie się, że wirtualność Internetu to tylko umowa i że e-mail - tak naprawdę - nie musi się różnić od listu przysłanego zaprzęgiem przez posłańca.

Rating About Books S@motność w Sieci (S@motność w Sieci #1)
Ratings: 3.61 From 4725 Users | 176 Reviews

Crit About Books S@motność w Sieci (S@motność w Sieci #1)
I read this when it first came out and still remember how goofy it was. It's a love story written by a man(!). But it's not just that. The author is a doctor of economy, IT and physics(!) and has a PHD in chemistry. How educated is that? Sadly it also speaks volumes about the book, which is one big cliche. It's about two people - a man and a woman - who fall in love by talking on ICQ. The man is an expert in genetic, and the woman is some rich broad who starts to cheat on her husband with this

The first book by Wisniewski that I ever read - admittedly, because of the hype. I haven't regretted it a single moment, though, because for me, it completely lived up to expectations. I haven't seen a lot of women write female POV as well as Janusz Leon does it. It's not just about the big things, not even just about the characters' emotions, it's about all the tiny details that make them what they are and keeps their relationship going. Definitely worth reading, just to figure out whether this

This book shows us the family relationships, the friendship of everyone of us, It shows all sides of things, than haven't changed for a long time. And when something or someone is coming and destroying you your daily routine ,giving you emotions,that you so expected for. And really hard to decide what to choose: safe old life or new,exciting,but absolutely another life?? The problem is: the people always afraid of changes.

Not the best book in the world, not the best romance around, not the most up-to-date romance, but...It never fails to capture my heart.

"Of all things eternal, love lasts the shortest", Moliere once said. Really appropriate for this book's stories of (un)reciprocated love and unexpected turns of events. Kept me interested until the very end.

I wasn't seriously reading this, so can't say anything about it. Okay I'm typing it out now, but I may come back and change my comment after a re-read. The story goes in a little confusing way and I had difficulties putting the plots into the right order: Wisniewski doesn't tell the story in the normal time order, you'll realise this as you have a hard time guessing what's going on with the man and woman. The author seems to be wandering all the time depends on his whims since he sticks with


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